Chakras are energy centers of the body. There are seven of them, located along the spine, each playing a vital role in our well being.
Muladhara, or the Root Chakra,
is located at the base of the spine
and represents survival, security, stability & grounding.
It is directly linked to our survival needs & sense of belonging.
By aligning and grounding this chakra,
we can feel more safe, secure & centered.
fearful, anxious, greedy, ungrounded, poor circulation,
lower back pain, digestive problems
safe, secure, centered, relaxed, grounded
Swadhisthara, or the Sacral Chakra,
is located two inches below the navel
and represents our desires, pleasure in life,
sexuality, procreation & nurturing.
It aligns us to the feeling of joy.
This chakra is also the center
our emotional connections & attachments.
fear of intimacy, no creativity, isolated, fearful of change,
low libido, infertility, menstrual problems
passion, creativity, optimism, openness,
healthy boundaries, graceful, self-care
Solar Plexus
Manipura, or the Solar Plexus Chakra,
is located two inches above the navel
and represents our actions, self-esteem,
assertiveness, confidence, courage & purpose.
This is also a place of our control issues.
The vibration of this chakra aligns us with the feeling
of knowing our position in life,
with being in charge for our own life.
low self-esteem, addiction, unreliable,
weight problems, depression, poor boundaries
confident, good self-image, drive,
responsible, spontaneous, sense of humor
Anahata, or the Heart Chakra,
is located at the center of the chest
and represents compassion, love,
receptivity, acceptance & forgiveness.
It opens the appreciation of inner & outer beauty,
brings the experience of deep & meaningful relationships,
connection with our environment
& understanding of true love.
lack of empathy, bitter, hateful, trust issues,
jealousy, giving too much, judgemental
peaceful, loving, compassionate, warm, tolerant,
self-loving, empathetic, openness
Vishuddha, or the Throat Chakra,
is located in front of the base of the neck
and represents our authenticity, communication,
creativity, self-expression & inner freedom.
It’s also a place where judgment is born
and all fears related to communication.
This chakra is associated with our ability
listen and being heard
& the ability to set our personal boundaries.
can't express self, misundertood, secretive,
poor listening skills, shy, throat problems
clear communication, self sexpression,
diplomatic, has good sense of time & rhythm
Third Eye
Anja, or the Third Eye Chakra,
is located between the eyebrows
and represents intuition, manifestation & inner wisdom.
It gives us the ability to see beyond the physical realm,
just like reading between the lines
and brings us a deeper understanding of life.
This chakra is associated with our ability to visualize,
make decisions, have clarity and openness to new ideas.
headaches, learning difficulties, poor memory,
nightmares, obsessive, delusion, mental illnesss
imaginative, intuitive, perceptive,
good memory, clear thoughts & vision
Sahasrara, or the Crown Chakra,
is located at the top and center of the head
and represents oneness, understanding,
consciousness, transcendence and spirituality.
It directly relates our thoughts, ideas, beliefs
and to our ability to analyze.
Most of the time our beliefs are the ones that hold us,
controls our actions and limit us
from being aligned with our true-self.
Clearing our belief system helps to liberate our mind,
which puts us closer to wholeness.
cynical of spirituality, learning difficulties, rigid,
lost, lonliness, restlessness, dissociation
intelligent, aware, open minded, good perception,
thoughtful, understanding, spiritually connected